Our mission is to help each person at Wellsprings to wholeheartedly love and serve Jesus, to belong to family, to be a follower, to build God’s kingdom and to be seen as a living testimony.
John 13:35
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Inspiring people to live for Jesus.
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13
Wellsprings seeks to fellowship with and lead devoted followers of Christ. We prioritise time each day to be immersed in the word of God and for prayer. We seek time each week to be with others, study His word and remain thankful for His grace and mercies that abound in our life each day. To remind us of this we take the Lord's supper regularly.
We do not seek religiosity and performance, but rather seek the most basic of settings; we do not require special talents, but rather hearts devoted to God.
Hearts that cannot live without the Lord.
Who is our Ministry
The body of believers is to be closer to us than our own families (Matt. 12:46, Luke 14:26). Jesus said that “all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). He also prayed that his disciples would be so “perfectly one” that the world may believe that the Father sent him (John 17:20-23).
We want the body to be trained and empowered by the Holy Spirit for great works of service. We believe that all believers are called to be disciple-makers, all should come as servants with a heart for the advancement of the kingdom. We are taught that the Holy Spirit has given each of us unique gifts and that these are to be used for the building up the body. We seek to support our brothers and sisters in how to love and help each other develop in character through modelling and teaching.
Our goal is that each one of us becomes like Christ, develops the ability to lead others to Him, make disciples and for some to plant churches.
We are a people who eagerly await the return of Christ. We are willing and wanting to suffer because we believe in the promise of heavenly rewards. Scripture is clear that Christians are to expect, and embrace suffering with joy.
It is our calling to willingly walk into suffering for the sake of the gospel, it is the call for all believers.
We Meet Simply In Homes
In order to help us truly love each other, we’ve committed to having churches of 10-20 people meeting in a home.
When things started getting out of control in Corinth, Paul reminded them of how he started the church. In 1 Corinthians 2 he states that he intentionally held back from using “eloquence,” “human wisdom,” and “wise and persuasive words” when starting and building the church. He didn’t want their walk with Jesus to be built on anything other than the power of the gospel.
We are all called to share the gospel with non-believers in the hope that they too will follow Jesus. We are all called to take responsibility for the spiritual care of other believers.
We acknowledge that discipleship is hard and messy. It involves intentionally getting to know someone, having hard conversations, working through conflict, and spending extra time when life gets hard.
Code of Conduct
Ministry is a call to serve both God and people. Credentialed Pastors are firstly accountable to God, but also to church members, their local governing authorities and those who receive ministry. Pastors are public figures whose lives are on display and are viewed with considerable public scrutiny. A high degree of compliance is expected with the biblical call to holiness.
Accordingly, pastoral relationships are to be characterised by love, justice, care, and compassion. A Pastor is firstly a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as such ministry is grounded by prayer, Bible study, regular worship and a readiness to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pastors of Wellsprings Ministries are to live and Pastor in accordance with biblical values. Additionally, it is expected that every profession has a code of conduct that sets an example of excellence for the society in which it seeks to Pastor.
The following Code of Conduct should be understood in the context or other policies and procedures in place, especially the Child Protection Policy and Procedures, Sexual Harassment Policy, Anti-Discrimination Policy, etc. of the organisation in which the Pastor is working.
Wellsprings Ministries is responsible to have in place, policies and procedures which ensure proper conduct and procedural integrity within its area of responsibility.
The following guidelines are designed to identify areas, articulate relevant principles, note areas of caution, and state what is clearly prohibited in terms of biblical conduct for Leaders at Wellsprings Ministries.
The Purpose of the Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct (The Code) is a guide for the behaviour of Leaders at Wellsprings Ministries. It is articulated to assist leaders to serve in such a manner that their churches and ministries be safe places for all; they will be places where integrity is honoured, accountability is practised, misconduct is not tolerated nor concealed, but dealt with appropriately, lawfully and where forgiveness is encouraged to bring about healing and restoration.
Wellsprings Ministries reserves the right to rescind any credential issued and, at its discretion, to set appropriate measures in place to restore and/or discipline the holder of any Wellsprings Ministries credential who has committed improper conduct. Improper conduct is generally regarded as behaviour that in all the circumstances of a case is an inappropriate or incorrect practice of discharging a person's duties, obligations, or responsibilities.
The Code sets out the standard that is expected of persons holding a position of teaching or leadership in Wellsprings Ministries, therefore is an important document for determining if a person has committed improper conduct.
A breach of these provisions may be improper conduct and may result in disciplinary action. Such action is at the discretion of the Senior Leader of Wellspring Ministries.
Pastors who hold a leadership or teaching positions with Wellsprings Ministries are to read, understand, agree with and follow the Code, signifying their agreement by signing the document and returning it to Wellspring Ministries. They also agree to inform Wellsprings Ministries of any breach of the code.
The signed code and its subsequent iterations remain in place and valid for the entire term of a Pastor or leaders association with Wellspring Ministries and as long as he or she holds any role directed by Wellsprings Ministries.
From time to time the Code will be updated by Wellsprings ministries. The Code will be published on the Wellsprings ministries website https://wellspringsministries.com.au . Pastors are responsible to remain aware of updated versions of the Code.
The Code of Conduct
Pastoral Example
Pastors should be above reproach, displaying values of the Gospel of Christ, obvious to members of the church and wider society.
It is important for a Pastor to have a healthy lifestyle and a balance of service, recreation, and family life. This lifestyle should also be supported and encouraged for all members.
Pastors should be good citizens and obey the laws of the community.
A rare exception may be when a Christian engages in non-violent civil disobedience.
Addictive behaviours
Scripture requires that we exercise caution in the use of alcohol.
Abstinence is a habit which is highly respected in Wellsprings ministries. Extreme caution must also be exercised with all potentially addictive and harmful behaviours that bring unwarranted harm to the body or jeopardise our own or another's faith.
A Pastor must abstain from drunkenness, gambling and the use of illegal drugs.
A Pastor should exercise caution with prescription medications, so that undue addiction is not the result of their use. If a Pastor becomes aware of becoming addicted to a prescription medication, they should immediately seek help from their doctor or other specialist medical professional. If a Pastor becomes aware of becoming addicted to a prescription medication, they need not notify Wellsprings Ministries of the situation unless the addiction is accompanied by behaviours which breach the Code.
A Pastor must abstain from the use or viewing of pornographic material.
A Pastor should refrain from smoking.
The use of offensive language should also be avoided (such as coarse language, sexual connotations, inappropriate language and racial, religious or other slurs).
Ministry Matters
Authority to Pastor comes from Jesus Christ; the head of the Church.
Christian leadership must never be manipulative or authoritarian.
Pastors are servants of Christ, who should aspire to leadership as modelled by Jesus. Leadership in all its dimensions must always be accountable, and it is essential that Pastors act responsibly in the best interests of those they serve.
Pastors must have in place, a body of people with whom they have an open and honest relationship and to whom they are accountable for their Pastoral and private conduct.
Pastors must not misrepresent their competence, qualifications, training, or experience.
Pastors should recognise their level of skill and experience. If they are unsure, they must seek additional advice from other colleagues or other professionals.
Pastors must not, under any circumstances act outside their scope of practice and/or competence.
Ministry gifts
It is a Pentecostal distinctive to honour the role of the Holy Spirit who imparts spiritual gifts.
There are a variety of gifts and the true exercise of these gifts will always be consistent with the fruit of the Spirit. For example, prophecy is to be exercised for “strengthening, encouragement and comfort”.
A Pastor must always be willing to be held accountable, admitting to the possibility of human error when exercising the gifts of the Spirit.
Public statements
A Pastor must show respect and godly care to all people, inside or outside the Christian community.
Care must be taken in how Pastors speak of the ministry of others and of people of other faith practices, since reputation is something highly valued in Scripture26 and within our community.
Care must be exercised when Pastors express an opinion on controversial matters. They must distinguish between expressing an opinion and speaking on behalf of their local organisation, or Wellsprings ministries.
Only the Senior Pastors speak on behalf of Wellsprings Ministries or identify the official position of Wellsprings Ministries on any and every matter in every instance.
Staffing and volunteers
A Pastor must not be abusive in any way toward others. Misuse of authority in leadership must never be employed. The power differential between congregational member, volunteers, staff and the Pastor must not be, under any circumstances, misused for personal, professional or other gain. Minsters must not use their perceived power to inappropriately persuade others at any time or for any reason whatsoever.
Pastors must not attempt to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to manipulate or coerce a person. This includes attempting to use healing for financial gain; attributing miracles for personal glory; or using a word of knowledge to control an individual; or using prophecy to control people.
Sexual Behaviour
Sexuality is a gift from God and integral to human nature. Pastors must value this gift by maintaining chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage.
Homosexual behaviour is forbidden by Scripture.
Pastors must, as mentioned above abstain from the use or viewing of pornographic material.
Pastors must not subject any congregational member, employee, volunteer or other person to any form of sexual harassment.
Being especially vulnerable, children are entitled to be safe and protected. Ministry to children needs to be characterised by absolute trustworthiness.
The Senior Pastor, and Leadership of the Wellsprings Ministries are responsible to implement a compliant Child Protection Policy, which can be viewed on the Wellsprings Ministries website: wellspringsministries.com.au.
The Child Protection Policy will include procedures which will be enacted and followed within the Church or Ministry. All Pastors within Wellsprings Ministries are responsible to require that their organisation’s Child Protection Policy and Procedures are followed in their organisation. All breaches of the policy and procedures are to be dealt with in accordance to the policy and procedures. Wellsprings Ministries should be notified in writing (email to admin@fullgospelaustralia.org.au) of serious breaches immediately.
Every person who Pastors to children and/or vulnerable persons within the local church or ministry must possess a Working with Children Check (WWCC) issued by their State or Territory Government. It is the Senior Pastor’s responsibility and duty to ensure that this is adhered to and that all WWCCs are current and valid.
Physical contact
Caution must always be exercised when initiating or receiving physical contact including gestures of comfort that may be unwanted or misinterpreted.
Pastoral conversations
A Pastor must be careful in pastoral conversations when a person talks about personal, relational or sexual situations.
Pastors with Wellsprings Ministries are not necessarily qualified counsellors; therefore, consideration must always be given to whether it is appropriate to refer a person to a suitable qualified and licensed counsellor. Pastors must not act outside their scope of practice.
All Wellsprings Ministries credentials are for Christian ministry and are not qualifications for counselling. Counselling qualifications are administrated by other independent professional bodies, not by Wellsprings Ministries.
Financial Matters
A Pastor must set an example and have integrity in all their financial dealings. This includes the timely payment of debts, the effective management of finances, as well as providing for their family. Failure to do so will have a significant impact on the church and the perceptions of the wider community and can result in the loss of their credential and/or disciplinary action taken by Wellsprings Ministries.
Each Senior Pastor must ensure the implementation of a proper system for financial integrity and accountability within their organisation.
All church and ministry accounts should be independently audited or reviewed on an annual basis.
Conflicts of interest
It is important to avoid any potential conflict between personal finances and pastoral responsibilities. Any conflict of interest must be immediately disclosed to the Board or Elders or Responsible Persons of their church or ministry. It is important to disclose to the Senior Pastor or board or eldership or responsible persons any significant personal gift or bequest.
A Pastor must avoid borrowing money from, or lending money to, a person with whom there is a pastoral relationship. Particular care must be exercised in the appointment of a spouse or family member to a paid position in the church or ministry. It must be done only with careful consultation with the board or eldership or responsible persons.
A Pastor must exercise caution with tax minimisation strategies and must not improperly use fringe benefit allowances. Financial advice from a qualified and certified accountant must be sought before the employment of any extraordinary scheme or concerning Fringe Benefits.
A Pastor must pay their taxes in a timely and honest manner.
Trust is essential in pastoral ministry. Those involved in pastoral care must note that formal interviews and casual conversations in a ministry context are pastoral encounters where confidences and confidential information is received. This information must not be disclosed and must be treated with the utmost care.
Exceptions include when disclosure is required by law (subpoena or abuse notifications), where there are concerns for the safety of the person or others, or when the information is in the public domain.
Pastoral records: Pastoral notes and records are important, but appropriate care must be taken with securing them. Any record of a pastoral session is considered a health record, which is governed by national legislation. Information systems include Computer records, which must be password protected with access limited to authorised persons. Paper records access must be limited to authorised personnel only.
Care must be exercised in the publication of personal information in church directories, newsletters, rosters, and websites, etc.
Care must be exercised in the publication of voices and images of individuals in internet environments. Appropriate permissions must be sought and stored in a secure information system.
Pastoral Professional Development
It is important to continue to develop ministry skills through a variety of means including education, professional supervision, peer support, and mentoring. It is expected that Pastors will undertake ongoing professional development, up to and including further ministry or theological education.
The Implementation of the Code
This code is set in place by Wellsprings Ministries and is a non-negotiable requirement for all credential holders.
Each credential holder will have access to a copy of the code via the Wellsprings Ministries Website https://wellspringsministries.com.au and will ensure their compliance with it. Those with no internet access may have a hard copy of this code mailed to them.
Each Board or responsible person, elder, etc, accepting responsibility for the credential holder (signatures below) is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the credential holder’s compliance with this code, investigation of allegations of non-compliance and notifying relevant authorities, and Wellsprings Ministries of breaches of the code.
With any breach of the Code, the Pastor in breach and/or their board, eldership or responsible persons must notify the Wellsprings Ministries within 7 days (24 hours if civil or criminal action is involved) via email and followed by normal mail.
Failure to notify Wellsprings Ministries of any breach of the code within these timeframes is a further breach of the code.
A copy of this Code of Conduct must be kept by the credential holder signing it, a copy must also be kept and be accessible by the responsible persons counter signing it.
This Code of Conduct will be reviewed from time to time by Wellsprings Ministries. An updated copy will be published on the Wellsprings Ministries website, and it is the responsibility of each signatory of the code to ensure they are acting according to the latest version of the code.
Child Protection Policy
Wellsprings Ministries (ABN 86 009 585 259) is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of children. We have zero tolerance for child abuse. Everyone working and serving at Wellsprings Ministries is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.
The purpose of this policy is
1. To facilitate the prevention of child abuse occurring within Wellsprings Ministries.
2. To work towards an organisational culture of child safety.
3. To prevent child abuse within Wellsprings Ministries.
4. To ensure that all parties are aware of their responsibilities for identifying possible occasions for child abuse and for establishing controls and procedures for preventing such abuse and/or detecting such abuse when it occurs.
5. To provide guidance to staff/volunteers/contractors as to action that should be taken where they suspect any abuse within or outside of the organisation.
6. To provide a clear statement to staff/volunteers/contractors forbidding any such abuse.
7. To provide assurance that all suspected abuse will be reported and fully investigated.
Wellsprings is committed to promoting and protecting the best interests of children.
All children, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to protection from abuse.
Wellsprings has zero tolerance for child abuse. Everyone working at Wellsprings is responsible for the care and protection of the children within our care and reporting information about suspected child abuse.
Child protection is a shared responsibility between the Wellsprings Ministries, credential holders, all employees, workers, contractors, associates, and members of the Wellsprings Ministries community.
Wellsprings Ministries will consider the opinions of children and use their opinions to develop child protection policies.
Wellsprings Ministries supports and respects all children, staff and volunteers. Wellsprings Ministries is committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children, and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and children living with a disability.
If any person believes a child is in immediate risk of abuse, telephone 000.
Child Protection Procedures
The Senior Leader of Wellsprings is responsible:
· For the detection and prevention of child abuse and is responsible for ensuring that appropriate and effective internal control systems are in place.
· For ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures and a Child Protection Code of Conduct are in place.
· Dealing with and investigating reports of child abuse;
· Ensuring that all credential holders, staff, contractors, and volunteers are aware of relevant laws, organisational policies and procedures, and the organisation’s Code of Conduct;
· Ensuring all credential holders and through them, adults within the Wellspring Ministries community are aware of obligations to report suspected sexual abuse of a child in accordance with these policies and procedures;
· Ensuring that all credential holders, staff, contractors and volunteers are aware of their obligation to observe the Code of Conduct (particularly as it relates to child safety); Supporting credential holders, staff, contractors and volunteers in their child protection responsibilities.
All credential holders must ensure that they:
· Promote child safety at all times;
· Assess the risk of child abuse within their area of control and eradicate or minimise any risk to the extent possible;
· Educate employees about the prevention and detection of child abuse; and
· Facilitate the reporting of any inappropriate behaviour or suspected abusive activities.
Leaders should be familiar with the types of abuse that might occur within their area of responsibility and be alert for any indications of such conduct.
All staff/volunteers/contractors share the responsibility for the prevention and detection of child abuse, and must:
· Familiarise themselves with the relevant laws, the Code of Conduct, and Wellsprings Ministries policy and procedures in relation to child protection, and comply with all requirements;
· Report any reasonable belief that a child’s safety is at risk to the relevant authorities (such as the police and/or the state-based child protection service) and fulfil their obligations as mandatory reporters;
· Report any suspicion that a child’s safety may be at risk to their supervisor (or, if their supervisor is involved in the suspicion, to a responsible person in the organisation); and
· Provide an environment that is supportive of all children’s emotional and physical safety.
Child means a person below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.
Child protection means any responsibility, measure or activity undertaken to safeguard children from harm.
Child abuse means all forms of physical abuse, emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse and exploitation, neglect or negligent treatment, commercial (e.g. for financial gain) or other exploitation of a child and includes any actions that results in actual or potential harm to a child.
Child sexual assault is any act which exposes a child to, or involves a child in, sexual practices and/or processes. Sexually abusive behaviours of any sexual nature, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and exposing the child to or involving the child in pornography. It includes child grooming, which refers to actions deliberately undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child to lower the child’s inhibitions in preparation for sexual activity with the child.
Leaders are all people with a responsible position within Wellsprings Ministries, particularly credential holders. Leaders also includes their leaders, board members, responsible persons and leading volunteers within their organisations.
Reasonable grounds for belief is a belief based on reasonable grounds (see below) that child abuse has occurred when all known considerations or facts relevant to the formation of a belief are taken into account and these are objectively assessed. Circumstances or considerations may include the source of the allegation and how it was communicated, the nature of and details of the allegation, and whether there are any other related matters known regarding the alleged perpetrator.
A reasonable belief is formed if a reasonable person believes that:
• the child is in need of protection,
• the child has suffered or is likely to suffer “significant harm as a result of physical injury,” or
• the parents are unable or unwilling to protect the child.
• A ‘reasonable belief’ or a ‘belief on reasonable grounds’ is not the same as having proof but
is more than mere rumour or speculation.
• A ‘reasonable belief’ is formed if a reasonable person in the same position would form the
belief on the same grounds. For example, a ‘reasonable belief’ might be formed if:
a) a child states that they have been physically or sexually abused;
b) a child states that they know someone who has been physically or sexually abused (sometimes the child may be talking about themselves);
c) someone who knows a child states that the child has been physically or sexually abused;
d) professional observations of the child’s behaviour or development leads a professional to form a belief that the child has been physically or sexually abused or is likely to be abused; and/or
e) signs of abuse lead to a belief that the child has been physically or sexually abused.
Employment of New Personnel
Wellsprings undertakes a comprehensive recruitment and screening process for all workers and volunteers that aims to:
· promote and protect the safety of all children under the care of the organisation;
· identify the safest and most suitable people who share Wellsprings Ministries values and commitment to protect children; and
· prevent a person from working at Wellsprings if they pose a risk to children.
Wellsprings requires all workers/volunteers to passthrough the organisation’s recruitment and screening processes prior to commencing their engagement with Wellsprings Ministries.
Wellsprings may require applicants to provide a police check in accordance with the law and as appropriate, before they commence working at Wellsprings and during their time with Wellsprings at regular intervals.
Wellsprings will undertake thorough reference checks as per the approved internal procedure.
Once engaged, workers/volunteers must review and acknowledge their understanding of this Policy.
Risk Management
Wellsprings will ensure that child safety is a part of its overall risk management approach. Wellsprings will have a risk and compliance sub-committee or officer committed to identifying and managing risks at Wellsprings Ministries. Risk and compliance sub-committee members or the appointed officer will receive regular training in relation to child safety.
Any staff member, volunteer or contractor who has grounds to suspect abusive activity must immediately notify the appropriate child protection service or the police. They should also advise their supervisor about their concern.
In situations where the supervisor is suspected of involvement in the activity, or if the person having the suspicion does not believe that the matter is being appropriately addressed or dealt with, the matter should be reported to the next highest level of supervision.
Supervisors must report complaints of suspected abusive behaviour or misconduct to the Senior Leader and also to any external regulatory body such as the police.
If the appropriate child protection service or the police decide to investigate a report, all employees, contractors or volunteers must co-operate fully with the investigation.
Whether or not the authorities decide to conduct an investigation, the Senior Leader will consult with the authorities to determine whether an internal investigation is appropriate. If it is decided that such an investigation will not conflict with any proceeding of the authorities, the Senior Leader may decide to conduct such an investigation. All employees, contractors and volunteers must cooperate fully with the investigation. Any person not compliant may face disciplinary action.
Any such investigation will be conducted according to the rules of natural justice.
The Senior Leader will make every effort to keep any such investigation confidential; however, from time to time other members of staff may need to be consulted in conjunction with the investigation.
After an initial review and a determination that the suspected abuse warrants additional investigation, the Senior Leader shall coordinate the investigation with the appropriate investigators and/or law enforcement officials. Internal or external legal representatives will be involved in the process, as deemed appropriate.
If it is alleged that a member of staff, contractor or a volunteer may have committed an offence or have breached the organisation’s policies or its Code of Conduct the person concerned may be stood down (with pay, where applicable) while an investigation is conducted.
If the investigation concludes that on the balance of probabilities an offence (or a breach of the organisation’s policies or Code of Conduct) has occurred then disciplinary action may follow, up to and including dismissal or cessation of involvement with the organisation. The findings of the investigation will also be reported to any external body as required.
All personal information considered or recorded will respect the privacy of the individuals involved unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. Wellsprings will have safeguards and practices in place to ensure any personal information is protected.
Everyone is entitled to know how the personal information is recorded, what will be done with it, and who will be able to access it.
Yearly, and/or following every reportable incident, a review shall be conducted to assess whether the organisation’s child protection policies or procedures require modification to better protect the children under the organisation’s care.
Related Documents
This policy must be read in conjunction with:
· The law of the Commonwealth or of the relevant state or territory;
· The Wellsprings Ministries Code of Conduct;
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